Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Music update

Today we went out to Ayhan's studio to take first listen of all the work he's done with Monty's lead sheets and MIDI files. Short answer: just frickin' great.

Ayhan has really been having fun with these songs, and you can tell. He made the inspired suggestion of adding a violin to the orchestrations, which should really help the reading gain a little musical depth. Anything more than just acoustic piano and a drum kit would be a bonus, but his pick of the violin, and the way he's incorporated it into Monty's music, should, frankly, kick ass.

And on the whole, this was the first time we've heard the music anew. The only recording of (most) of the songs was from a 1996 demo Monty recorded in his home (you can hear one song from that demo on the "Broadway Bullet" interview we did for the podcast. We'll let you know when that comes out). Now we're hearing them fresh, and in orchestrations that are specifically for NYMF and the World Premiere reading.

It was another moment of the show becoming that much more real for us: this is happening, and happening soon.

But additionally: this is happening, happening soon, and dammit, it's gonna be good.

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